Content Harry Potter

This site came into existence as the result of several factors.  I have some good friends in the fandom and three of them archive here (one of which is the father of this accelerating phenomenon).  If you find any of my stories worthwhile and have stumbled upon them here before anywhere else, then you owe Jeconais and Kokopelli your thanks.

As to me, I'm a thirty-something liberal-conservative from L.A. transplanted to Missouri.  My wife and I have two wonderful children, support all things family, and remain unaffiliated with any political party.  I've been writing since high school, but only seriously since I picked up this nasty Harry Potter habit a few years ago.  When I'm not reading or writing (or working) I play the classical guitar, build dubiously stable pieces of furniture, and (when it isn't snowing) garden.  I hope you like the stories archived here.  If you do (or don't), let me know about it.